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Off-Grid Electricity: Solar Power

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There are many different ways to get electricity that don’t require the grid. To name a few: wind power, micro hydro power and the most common form, solar power. There are two types of solar power: on-grid and off-grid. On-grid means that you are still hooked up to your local power company. The on-grid system has advantages, such as if you don’t get a lot of sunlight where you live, you could supplement with solar power while still having access to a power grid, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about.

For the off-grid system, you need to first think about how much electricity you will be using in a day. If you use a lot of electricity, you might think about investing in a bigger battery and source. You will need to know how much sun your location will be getting throughout the year, because the less sun there is, the more storage batteries will need. Once you know how much sunlight to expect, you can start looking for your system.

There are a lot companies that sell off-grid systems: Affordable Solar, Costco, and Home Depot, to name a few. When setting one of these systems up, you will need to make sure you keep your climate and goals in mind, what angles you plan on receiving the optimal amount of sunlight from, and how to manage your batteries.